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Professor Dr salim Uddin presented paper in the webinar

2021-02-03, 12.00 AM
Professor Dr salim Uddin presented paper in the webinar

Professor Dr. Md. Salim Uddin, FCA, FCMA, Chairman of the Executive Committee of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited and Chairman, Bangladesh House Building Finance Corporation presented the keynote paper at the international webinar titled "Online Learning in Higher Studies: Bangladesh Perspective" organized by Exim Bank Agricultural University Bangladesh (EBAUB) recently. Dr. Salim in his paper highlighted the impact of COVID 19 outbreak on the higher education globally in general  and in Bangladeshi in particular as well as discussed various important aspects of online learning in higher education, some relevant  research findings and results, opportunities, possibilities, potentiality, effectiveness and potential challenges in  the context of Bangladesh. He gave the most emphasis for the need of effective training in online education to address the challenges related to education and technology and to all those who are involved in this sector. In the keynote paper, Dr. Salim elaborately discussed about the stagnation of the education system due to COVID-19, the use of technology in Bangladesh, why online learning, where online learning, how to practice online learning and finally technology used globally in online learning platform. In addition, Dr. Salim talk about the technology adoption model, interaction between teachers, students and content, action-reaction, satisfaction and the effectiveness of online education. In addition he also highlighted the quality Barometer for monitoring, assessing, testing, measuring, and evaluating the effectiveness of online education system. The webinar was presided over by Professor. Dr. ABM Rashedul Hasan, Vice Chancellor of EBAUB.